Festive Snacking for St. Patrick’s Day

Nothing says St. Patrick’s Day more than green-everything, rainbows and celebrations. To add some festivity to the month of March, we’ve created some St. Patrick’s themed snacks to help you celebrate while keeping your health and weight loss goals in mind. Happy snacking!

Ants on a Log for 2

• ¼ cup Raisins
• 6 celery stalks (cut into 4-inch pieces)
• 2 – 4 tbsp of Organic peanut butter or almond butter

Using a knife, fill each celery stalk with the nut butter and top with Raisin


Kale Chips

• 1 bunch kale
• 1 tsp Sea Salt
• ½ tbsp white sesame seed
• 1 tbsp olive oil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. With a knife or kitchen shears carefully remove the leaves from the thick stems. Chop or tear into larger bite size pieces. Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner. In a bowl, toss the kale with the oil and salt, and lay out evenly on a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Sprinkle with the sesame seeds. Bake for 10 minutes – watch carefully for edges to brown. Have a favorite spice, like garlic or cayenne pepper ? When tossing in a bowl, add ½ tsp of your favorite spice to give each batch a unique flavor.


Rainbow Salsa

• 4 chopped bell peppers (1 of each; red, yellow, orange, green)
• 1 can of black beans, drained
• ½ cup of chopped cilantro
• 1 lime, juiced
• 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
• 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
• 1 teaspoon of sea salt
• 1/8 teaspoon of ground black pepper

Combine chopped bell peppers, black beans and cilantro into a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the lime juice, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt and black pepper – mix well. Pour the dressing over the bell pepper mixture and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Enjoy with your favorite crudités, like cucumber, zucchini or summer squash slices, or whole grain tortilla chips.


Apple Pie Green Apples

• 2 green apples
• 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
• 1 small lemon

Slice the green apples in half, core and thinly slice. Toss in a large bowl with fresh lemon juice from ½ the lemon. Sprinkle the cinnamon on – toss again.

Place the apples in a large skillet/frying pan over medium heat. Continue to stir and flip apples until slightly softened. Serve warm. You will be amazed how much like apple pie this tastes like. OptionalL garnish with 2 tbsp of Greek yogurt.


Be sure to share your TLS St. Paddy’s Day treats with us by tagging us @TLSWeightloss #TLSweightloss. Enjoy!