What We Measure at TLS

When you start a new program, a new job, or a new course, how do you know if you are on the right track?  The simple answer is we need to measure. Data gives us information to help us assess and monitor our progress.  At TLS, we don’t emphasize and encourage you to put all your focus on the number on the scale, but measurement of other data points is important to assess where you are and how you’re progressing. We focus on progress, not perfection.  Our tracking sheet (free to download on TLSslim.com) is meant to help you keep track of what matters beyond just your weight.

What do we measure?

  • Are you getting enough protein?
  • Are you drinking enough water to stay hydrated?
  • Are you adding vegetables and eating enough of them in 3 meals?
  • Are you moving your body and keeping yourself active?
  • Are you taking your supplements daily?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • How are your clothes fitting?
  • How are you sleeping?
  • Do you have any obstacles and challenges and how did you overcome them?


Measurements help us stay on track, more importantly, they help us to understand and be more aware of our body so that we can track those changes and adjust as needed.  Weight loss is never linear so it is important to have other measurements to keep us on track.  This is why measuring your body composition (waist, hip, arm, leg), body fat percentage, and muscle will give you a more accurate picture of your body composition to reflect fat loss more accurately.

Success at TLS is never just about how much weight or inches you have lost, it’s about the healthy habits you develop, the energy you gain, and the confidence you build.  Going through processes without measuring data is like driving without knowing where you are going or how long it will take you to the next pit stop and more importantly how far you have come and how close you are to your final destination. We measure at TLS to help you celebrate your small wins and milestones because we truly believe consistency and persistency are key to achieving your goals.


Sosan Hau, RD, CDE