How to Prep for the TLS ® Find Your Fit Challenge!

By: Kayla Adams

Hear ye, hear ye: The TLS Find Your Fit Challenge is back and $25,000 in prizes are up for grabs! This is an amazing opportunity to get fit, adopt a healthier lifestyle, and lose big to win big. Are you ready to commit to Find Your Fit? Here are our tips on prepping to WIN!

The competition runs September 4th through November 26th in the United States and Canada. Maybe you’ve done this challenge in the past or perhaps you’re a newbie and unsure of what you’re getting yourself into. Either way, I have a few helpful tips for preparing for this challenge and maximizing your weight loss while having fun.

Don’t Miss Registration

This is a big one. Mark your calendars, registration opens August 8th and ends on September 3rd at midnight EST online on You only pay $30 to enter the competition and put yourself in the mix to win $25,000 in prizes. There are three winners for each male and female category, and the first-place winner in each category wins $7,500 and two tickets to the 2020 Market America World Conference. It gets better—first place winners will also be featured in Market America’s UnFranchise Magazine, this is a sweet deal! Don’t let the clock strike midnight on September 3rd and you haven’t registered, that means you’ll forfeit your opportunity to participate in this year’s challenge.

Clearly Define Your Goals

Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Clearly define a set of weight loss goals and write them down. How many inches or pounds would you like to lose by week 4? Week 6? Be realistic with your goals but also push yourself! You want to win big, right? You want to be the healthiest and best version of yourself, right? And I’m sure you could stand to gain some awesome prizes in the process. Set yourself up for success by simply defining your goals and working each day to achieve them. Keep your goals in an easily accessible place that allows for constant reminders.

Take Pictures

We all have to start somewhere. Be sure to take “before” photos that document exactly where you’re starting from and wear form-fitting clothing like shorts and a tank top or a bathing suit so that you can have a better idea of your body mass. These pictures will be a great source of motivation and will allow you to recognize your progress as you kick butt and shed inches and pounds. Your “after” photos should be much less daunting and it will be exciting to see the strides you’ve made. This is an easy one, as photos are a requirement for competition eligibility.

Track Your Progress

Grab a journal to keep you motivated and provide a safe space to track your progress. A West Virginia University study shows that those who consistently track their weight loss journey had significant weight loss and went on to show steady loss throughout the year. The TLS Health Guide & Journal is great for tracking, motivation, and helpful tips.


Get Plenty of Sleep

Chances are, you may feel more tired than usual during this competition until your body adjusts to increased physical activity. You can combat this by making sure you get plenty of sleep each night— so put down your phone and turn off the TV before bed. According to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be hungry and tend to consume more than enough food to compensate, which leads to weight gain. Don’t sabotage your progress because you’re exhausted and overeating, so be sure you get at least 7 hours of good sleep a night.

I often tell my friends that I’m not a nice person when I’m tired and this is especially true when I’m on a strict exercise regimen. You’ll need all the rest you can get to feel energized and be ready to tackle each goal that you’ve set for yourself. No half-stepping!


Keeping those tips in mind, I hope you’re able to maximize your potential during this year’s Find Your Fit Competition and beyond. Being healthy isn’t always easy, but it is an attainable goal with preparation, discipline, commitment, and (most importantly) fun!


Register here for the 2019 Find Your Fit Challenge!