Tips for Transitioning to Safe Summer Workouts

By: Sue Pasqual

With the summer nearly here, the sun is shining and our days are longer. Most of us are just excited to get out of work and still see daytime, but the dread of going back inside at the same gym you’ve hit day after day during winter often comes with.  Why not take advantage of the warmth and daylight to keep your fitness in check? With a little prep, you’ll be outside in no time enjoying safe summer workouts!

Taking it Outside

Transitioning from indoor to outdoor workouts not only switches things up to keep you from getting bored, but it also adds some new and challenging exercises to your regimen!   Instead of walking for miles, not seeing anything other than yourself in the mirror or the person in front of you, consider taking your walk or run outside.

  • Keep it safe. Safety is always a priority, so be sure to stay in well-lit areas, have your cell phone with you (fully charged), stay on the main road and don’t go down hidden trails if alone.  Be sure to wear reflective gear as well.
  • Be Mindful of the Sun. Sunglasses are a must for safe summer workouts! They’re great things to have so the sun doesn’t blind you at a bad time. Something as simple as protecting your vision can help you keep an eye out for pedestrians, cars, bikes, and make sure you don’t twist your ankle in a pothole!
  • Hit the beach.  Not only will the sound of waves crashing help put your mind at peace,  but walking or running in the sand is much more of a challenge than walking on the pavement. It’ll work your legs and butt much better, too!
  • Head to the playground.  Who said they were just for kids? Whether it be doing triceps dips off of a ladder, crossing the monkey bars to strengthen your arms/core, or knocking out a few pull-ups, it’s going to be hard to get bored!
  • Make practices work for you. If you have children, your after-work routine may often revolve around their baseball or soccer practices – so why not make it work for you, too?  If you’ve got a few weekly practices at the field, use that time to walk the track or make a loop around the lot. In fact, ask other moms and dads if they want to start a walking or running group while the kids are practicing. It’s a great option for safe summer workouts, and you’ll have a built-in accountability group, too!
  • Splash it up. If your kids don’t have sporting events, heading to your own or your neighborhood pool is a perfect way to spend time with them after work! They’ll love spending the time with you and there are so many great exercises you can do in the water.  Of course, swimming laps is great, but you can run in place, mimic bicep curls, hamstring curls, jumping jacks and even core and abdominal work…all while your kids are having a blast with some after dinner swimming! Chasing them around the pool and playing games is another fun way to add a little movement into your day.


Since there are only a few short months of warm weather, it’s time to really consider transitioning from your indoor workouts into safe summer workouts in the scenic and exciting outdoors!  I promise, your muscles will respond and you’ll be happy to see some beautiful summer scenery in your home town!