By: Melanie Nelson

Weird right? But hear me out because this is one of the easiest New Years resolution traps there is. We all have a vision of what we want to be or what we wish our life could be, and it’s often some utopia version that seems slightly out of reach. While I am a fan of having VISION, the truth is, to achieve it starts with your VERY next step and the one after that, and the one after that. They aren’t hard or sexy, but it’s that saying; “you have to take the staircase to success, there is no elevator”. Making smaller goals, like what you are committed to no matter what THIS week, helps you maintain progress towards your ultimate vision.

The more specific you are in your goals and commitments, the more likely you are to achieve them. Most people say I am going to go to the gym, get fit, eat right, and lose these 40 extra pounds. That is great, but HOW? Instead, for example try this: “This Sunday I will meal plan & prep for TLS® Rapid Results for the week. I will do three cardio workouts, no less than 25 min long and two weight training sessions at the gym. One Upper body and one lower body.” That is a specific goal and commitment you can measure, achieve and celebrate!

If we know that, statistically, most quit in the 6th week, then we can plan ahead to overcome that challenge (whatever it might be). I always say, if it is predictable, it’s preventable & that no one is born with self-discipline! It’s something that’s cultivated by using strategies & small goals. Setting smaller goals with a strategy means you can celebrate successes weekly rather than waiting for the utopia moment when all of your goals have finally been reached. Strategies, like being accountable to a coach or having a work out buddy, help tremendously. You could even commit to a charity run or Tough Mudder so you know you’ll stick to your TLS® routine! When life’s drama shows up, you’ll have a plan to help you stick to self-care and putting yourself at the top of your priority list because, over time, you’ll have built a habit and have accountability to back you up.

We all need encouragement, but many of us often feel we don’t get enough. The strategy that changed my life was when I learned to take control of inspiring and encouraging myself. The truth is, most tend towards negativity, self-doubt, and fear. This means that positive self-talk might not come easy, so we have to purposefully lift our selves up. For most of us, we need to do this daily. I listen to motivational videos or podcasts related to my goals and inner strength or read books and articles that educate & inspire me to be more, do more. Repeating those positive affirmations, wherever I get them from, aloud helps me to manifest the attitude, energy, and reality I want to create. Do these things daily & you’ll instill the BELIEF that you can overcome any challenges you may face.

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