TLS Tuesdays: Team Ritchotte

TLS is a lifestyle. Team Ritchotte learned this after struggling with their health and weight for years. The 12 week Find Your Fit Challenge was the jumpstart April Ritchotte, Bonnie Ouelette, Kathy Cerutto, and Lynette Dedame needed to start living a healthy lifestyle and get their weight in check.

Team leader and TLS Certified Trainer April Ritchotte, was never vastly overweight, but consistanlty struggled with her body image. As a personal trainer she’d ask herself “how can you train people when you are still 25lbs overweight?” The truth was, as a certified coach and trainer with 3 kids, she’d often neglect her personal health and goals. TLS came to the rescue and gave her the road map April needed to choose the “right” foods and supplements to take. In the 12 weeks April lost 10lbs and at 135lbs, is only 10lbs and 5% body fat from her goal. On top of that, her skin cleared up, her chronic back pain subsided and cravings disappeared. TLS didn’t teach her how to lose weight, it taught her HOW NOT TO GAIN WEIGHT because it repaired her metabolism.


Bonnie Ouellette loves her new body thanks to TLS. Before, without finding a sustainable weight loss program, Bonnie struggled with her weight and health. In 2001 she was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia, a life-threatening blood clot disorder, and in 2002 she had a spleenectomy. The medications she was on were debilitating and she could not lose any weight. Then she was introduced to April and the TLS program. Consistently using TLS CORE, CLA, and the Shakes, Bonnie was able to lose almost 20lbs, 22 inches from her body and 6% body fat. Most importantly, in her last doctor’s visit, Bonnie’s platelet count was back into a normal range. TLS has improved Bonnie’s overall quality of life so much that she’s become a coach and is sharing her experience and knowledge with others.


When Kathy Cerruto’s doctor said it was in her “best interest” to pursue Gastric Bypass Surgery, she was shocked. She was shocked that she let herself get to this point. Not being able to watch her two daughters get married and have kids of their own scared her. Loosing 100lbs with surgery did seem tempting but she’d seen many friends gain back the weight after. She began TLS and immediately saw that this was a program she could keep up. Bonnie lost 27 pounds in the 12 weeks and 71 pounds since she started the program. She’s been able to eliminate many of her medications and now has the knowledge to keep losing weight and to get healthy. Bonnie’s goal is to have lost 100 pounds by International Convention and plans to become a TLS coach in the near future.


After putting back on the weight that Lynette Dedame lost from Weight Watchers, she knew she needed to find a sustainable program. With TLS Lynette was able to lose 15lbs and 5% body fat but more importantly, become a role model for her kids. She was able to teach her family how living a healthy lifestyle can contribute to a greater quality of life. TLS is a lifelong journey, and Lynette looks forward to it.

After the challenge was over, all the team members got together for a “girls weekend” to celebrate April’s 40th birthday. Instead of figuring out how much beer and chips to bring like in years past, they had to decide who was bringing the lettuce wraps, salmon for the grill, CORE to share at the dinner table, shakes, and of course, the low GI vodka!

Congratulations to Team Ritchotte on successfully completing the Find Your Fit Challenge and us at TLS wish them good luck with future weightloss!