There’s nothing to it but to do it, right? Those words are easier said than done. Having very little motivation to workout is a challenge that plagues many of us and it can really dampen your momentum. You don’t feel like it or perhaps you’ve tricked yourself into believing that you don’t have enough time to exercise. I get it and I’ve been there. Here’s few tips to fuel your need to be motivated to workout.
By: Kayla Adams
Tips to Motivate Yourself to Workout
Create a killer playlist
If you’re a lover of music like I am then this is a crucial part of your workout. Plan out your playlist prior to your workout so you don’t have to continuously stop to find or skip a song. Think about what songs motivate, inspire you, and make you want to dance. I usually listen to fast-paced music with positive messages. Happy by Pharrell Williams is one of my personal favorites. Up-tempo music will get your adrenaline going and before you know it, it will feel less like a grueling workout and more like a workout/dance party mashup. Keep going!
Join or Create an Accountability Group
Band together with a few people that have similar goals as you to create an accountability group. You can create a support group with friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers. It’s a good idea to create a group chat and for everyone in the group to send out healthy recipes, reminders to workout, and motivational (and funny) workout GIFs. You will be able to learn from your group-mates and swap out helpful insights during your health and wellness journey. Even if you all aren’t physically exercising together, your accountability group has the potential to keep you motivated and on the right track.
Be Flexible & Get Creative
Some days you may be a little less motivated than others or you may only have thirty minutes to spare versus your usual hour, and that’s okay! Be flexible with your plans and just get started! Go for a walk or jog during your lunchbreak or simply do a HIIT workout on the days when you’re pressed for time after work. Understand that you don’t have to always make it into the gym or have fancy workout equipment to break a good sweat, all you need is your body. It’s recommended to have at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day, so get creative about when and where you’ll get your daily exercise in.
Be Clear about your Goals
This gives you something to work towards and look forward to. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight”. How much weight and by when? Be clear about what your intentions are and always hold yourself accountable. I’m a big fan of journaling and each month I write down what my fitness goals are for that month. Do what works for you, whether you’re writing your goals down daily, weekly, or monthly. Understand that if one of your goals is to lose 2 inches around your waist in 8 weeks, then it’s not in your best interest to regularly skip your workouts or cheat on your meals. Regularly checking your progress will allow you the opportunity to adjust as needed and to give yourself a pat on the back when you’re on the right track. No surprises here!
There you have it! Take these tips and start working towards the body that you want. You’ll be well on your way to your summer body with some great music, a supportive group of friends, a little flexibility, and personal accountability. Stick to it and remember, any progress is better than no progress!
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