Valentine’s Day Candies Ranking

5. Giant Chocolate Kisses
Hershey’s isn’t known for making the highest-quality chocolates, but they’re definitely better than the dollar-store brand “chocolate-flavored” products. That being said, portion size matters and these portions are way oversized!
One package contains 1018 calories, 60g fat, and 107g sugars which is well over what anyone’s stomach can handle in a day, let alone a single sitting!
4. Conversation Hearts
Who doesn’t want to give a “be mine” heart to their special someone? Even though they only have 60 calories per 12-heart serving, that same serving size has 14 grams of sugar. And, for what? If you’re indulging in moderation, it’s worth it to indulge in something that tastes good. Keep these for the cute messages & invest in some heart-healthy dark chocolate or chocolate-covered nuts.
3. Russel Stover Truffles

2. Fun Size Snickers
They’re still candy but, despite the sugars, these fun-sized bars also contain more protein than your typical candy! With 3 grams for two bars, the peanuts come in handy for placing this one a little higher on the list. The best part? It’s instant portion control for those of us who have trouble with sticking to those limits ourselves!
1. Chocolate Covered Fruits
It’s easy to get hopped up on sugar on Valentine’s Day, and before you know it, you’re crashing, bloated, and utterly exhausted. A great way to combat those awful feelings is to indulge in something that’s already good for you. A perfect pairing is chocolate and fruit!
Fresh fruit is the way to go, especially if you’re prepping it yourself at home. With approximately 50 calories per cup and no added sugar, strawberries are a classic choice. Dip them in some delicious melted dark chocolate and let them chill, and you’ll be in for a delicious and nutritious treat!
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