TLS Tuesdays: Steve Howard

The motivation for participating in the Find Your Fit challenge was simple for Steve Howard. He wanted to be healthy enough and have the energy to play with his 4 year old granddaughter Ava. Whether she wanted to walk, run, swim, bike, or even play hide and go seek, Steve wanted to be by her side.

Weighing in at 263lbs with a body fat of 46%, Steve set lofty goals. With the motto “if you don’t aim high you’ll never get there,” he set out to lose 83lbs during the challenge.


From day 1 of detox, he felt his energy level increase. From there he hit the ground running, well actually biking. After borrowing a bike from a friend, he started riding daily. Each day he would go a little farther and on Memorial Day he rode 34 miles to the beach. By exercising, eating healthy, and taking his Isotonix® supplements, the pounds seemed to melt away.

By the end of the 12 week challenge Steve Howard had lost a whopping 70lbs while shedding 11in off his waist and 6.5in off his chest. His body fat dropped from an obese percentage of 46% to a healthy 28%. For the first time in a while he was considered a healthy man.


Although Steve didn’t quite reach his goal in the 12 weeks, he is confident he will continue his weight loss and healthy lifestyle. He plans on becoming a TLS certified coach in the near future. To him, marketing the system will be easy as he is a walking testimonial that TLS works!