Don’t Have Time To Exercise? No More Excuses

By Kristin Pulling

People often claim they don’t have enough time to workout or go to the gym. New research has debunked the common belief that you need to exercise for hours each week in order to experience health benefits.

Researchers at McMaster University investigated the health effects of short, intense exercise compared to longer, endurance exercise. The study participants were assigned to one of three groups: intense exercises, moderate exercises or no exercise. The intense and moderate groups both exercised three times per week, for 12 weeks. For the intense group, one workout session “totaled just 10 minutes, including a 2-minute warm-up and 3-minute cool down, and two minutes of easy cycling for recovery between the hard sprints.”[1] The group assigned moderate exercise performed 45 minutes of continuous, moderate exercise.

Despite spending significantly more time exercising, the moderate exercise group experienced health benefits similar to the intense exercise group. This study proves that you don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get results. You can still get significant health benefits from shorter, more efficient workouts. All you need is ten minutes a day to be on the way to a healthier you!
